Daffodils are a plant from the amaryllis family. They are perennial, which means they live for more than two years. However, if cared for properly, they will grow back year after year and some have survived for well over a century.
Like most flowering plants, daffodils are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. Daffodils have flowers with six tepals (which is where the outer part cannot easily be classified as a petal or a sepal) rather than petals, plus a cup- or trumpet-shaped corona, that appear in late winter or early spring. They bloom for about six weeks.
Daffodils grow in temperate climates, in the ground or in containers. Despite the fact that there are more than 27,000 cultivated varieties, most are yellow.
What does it need?
They like a sunny spot in fertile, well-drained soil. Although they can be dead-headed after flowering, the rest of the plant should be left to die back naturally - they use their leaves to store up food reserves for the future.
What needs it?
Originally, daffodils were probably pollinated by insects. However, through selective breeding over hundreds of years to make them prettier, they have lost the fragrance, pollen and nectar that makes them attractive to insects. The plant is toxic, so wildlife do not like them either.
The main benefit of daffodils is to humans - they are easy to grow, visually attractive, and spread their roots which helps to minimise soil erosion. They bloom in late winter and die back in spring, adding their nutrients back into the soil and making way for other plants to grow in the same space. Their big colourful blooms may also attract early pollinators to other plants nearby like fruit trees. In addition, some of their chemicals are used in medicinal research.
Fun fact!
The botanical name for the daffodil is narcissus. However, it is probably not named after the character from Greek mythology; rather it is likely related to the word "narcotic" as all parts of the plant are poisonous. Don't confuse it for spring onions, as can happen!